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Policy Briefs

Reflections from a climate angle

Civil Society Statement

We, the undersigned representatives of civil society organisations (CSOs) in Botswana, convened in
Maun on 22 March 2023 to deliberate on the best approaches to accelerate the renewable energy
transition in our country. Acknowledging the existing efforts and strategies, we are united in our
commitment to ensuring a people-centred energy transition. This statement outlines our collective
suggestions and commitments to propel Botswana toward a sustainable future.

BCCN COP 28 Statement

The Botswana Climate Change Network, representing its individual and civil society organisation members, recognising the urgency of the climate crisis, concerned by the inadequate global and local action to address the climate crisis, and motivated by the hopes and admirations of the grassroots communities and marginalised groups of Botswana for a just transition and a climate resilient world, makes this statement ahead of the UNFCCC 28th Session of The Conference of Parties.

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Response to SONA 2023

The Botswana Climate Change Network, representing its individual and civil society organisation members, welcomes the attention given to climate change in the 2023 State of the Nation Address (SONA). We commend the government’s recognition of the climate crisis and the efforts to respond to its impact on our nation. While we acknowledge the positive initiatives outlined, we also recognize several areas of concern and opportunities for improvement.

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Response to Budget Speech 2024

The Botswana Climate Change Network (BCCN) acknowledges government's presentation of the 2024/2025 Budget Speech, recognizing its pivotal role in shaping our nation's economic trajectory and addressing the urgent challenges of climate change. We commend the government's commitment to economic resilience, growth, and the initial steps towards embracing a green economy. However, we emphasize the need to adopt a green budgeting approach to the national budget process for the integration of climate considerations throughout all levels of the national budgeting process.

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